Bird / Stercorarius parasiticus
Arctic Skua
Publications that mention Arctic Skua in relation to Kutch
Related papers
- Sighting of a juvenile skua at Madhavpur, PorbandarK Sidani, S Vekaria Village, T Viramgam - researchgate.net
- Avifaunal survey of netrani Island, Karnataka, and importance of offshore islands for bird lifeS Pande, N Sant, S Pednekar, A Pawashe, N Sakhdeo… - Indian BIrds - indianbirds.in
- Environmental sensitivity mapping of the coast of Karnataka, west coast of IndiaK Sowmya, KS Jayappa - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2016 - Elsevier
- Notes on pelagic and uncommon offshore records from MumbaiCKB Singh - Indian Birds, 2005 - birdwatching.co.in
- Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences...Chicago Academy of Sciences - 1869 - books.google.com
Thanks to SerpApi for their contribution in gathering this data.
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